Award-winning Top Concierge Coach and Empowered Woman of 2024, Lynn Lessell, is the founder of Itz Why®, LLC and IPP Inner Power Partners® (IPP®). She is passionate about having as many tools as possible to help her clients and colleagues. She is a certified coach in health, mastery of life transformation, Hypnotherapy, facilitator of Compassionate Integrity Training, and Functional Body Systems, trained under the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC), in addition to having a degree in business management and marketing.
Stress had control of Lynn’s life for decades. After discovering the secrets for taking back control of her life and learning how to redefine her happiness with the quality of every day she wanted, she declared her mission to help others the way she wishes someone could have been there for her.
She says, “You can’t do anything about what you don’t know you don’t know and I ask the right questions to help you figure it out and have success!”
Stress prevents you from being your most productive self which is why she has been working with individual clients to neutralize their daily stress so they can take back control of their lives and have the quality of life they choose in every area.
Her research revealed that a large percentage of professionals struggle to find downtime and have the support system they are looking for which affects their emotional and physical health while impacting relationships. The stats are there to prove it and Lynn’s mission is to spread the word that you can minimize stress, be more productive and effective, and have support by taking back control of the life you want. It can be done! She says, “If I can do it, anyone can!”
So, Itz Why®, LLC introduced IPP® as a small membership group at the end of 2021 by asking professionals of various industries one question… “What’s stress costing your business?”
Lynn Lessell, the founder of Itz Why®, LLC and IPP Inner Power Partners™ (IPP™), is passionate about having as many tools as possible to help her clients and colleagues. She is a certified health coach, certified mastery life coach, certified facilitator of Compassionate Integrity Training (CIT), Certified in Functional Body Systems, trained under the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC), and has a degree in business management and marketing.
Stress had control of Lynn’s life for decades. After discovering the secrets for taking back control of her life and learning how to redefine her happiness with the quality of every day she wanted, she declared her mission to help others the way she wish someone could have been there for her.
She says, “You can’t do anything about what you don’t know you don’t know and I ask the right questions to help you figure it out and have success!”
She has been working with individual clients to neutralize their daily stress so they can take back control of their lives and have the quality they choose in every area.
Her research revealed that a large percentage of professionals struggle to find downtime and have the support system they are looking for which affects their emotional and physical health. The stats are there to prove it and Lynn’s mission is to spread the word that you can minimize stress, be more productive and effective, and have support by taking back control of the life you want. It can be done! She says, “If I can do it, anyone can!”
So, Itz Why®, LLC introduced IPP™ as a small membership group at the end of 2021 by asking professionals of various industries one question… “what’s stress costing your business?”
IPP® stands alone from other relationship-building groups because we unconventionally approach the process.
Building trust, learning about others as people, liking others you do business with, or finding a for-life partner doesn’t just happen. It takes time and consistency. We share our expertise and experiences in different ways to support each other which results in lower stress levels, personal growth, and better business.
Many of our members express that they wouldn’t be where they are today both personally and professionally if not for the comradery and support of IPP®.
Our small group quickly expanded at the start of 2022 into two additional cities. Halfway through the year, a fourth location was launched.
It’s hard to believe we just hit a one-year milestone, established IPP’s® fifth new location, and will be launching the sixth one soon while we continue to grow at a consistent pace.
Membership locations are expected to expand outside the local area both in person and virtually in the next few years. As we introduce a few new incredible member benefits later this year, we project a long-term plan for training additional facilitators as we expand out of the local area.
Around 75% of Americans reported to the American Psychological Association that they experienced a physical or mental symptom of stress in the last month.
Nearly half of all U.S. adults say that stress has negatively affected their behavior.
76% of US workers say their workplace stress has had a negative impact on their personal relationships.
Seven in 10 adults report work stress affects their personal relationships.
79% of men report work stress affects their personal relationship with their spouse compared to 61% of women.
36% of adults reported experiencing stress caused by a friend or loved one’s long-term health condition.
Around 75% of Americans reported to the American Psychological Association that they experienced a physical or mental symptom of stress in the last month.
Nearly half of all U.S. adults say that stress has negatively affected their behavior.
76% of US workers say their workplace stress has had a negative impact on their personal relationships.
Seven in 10 adults report work stress affects their personal relationships.
79% of men report work stress affects their personal relationship with their spouse compared to 61% of women.
36% of adults reported experiencing stress caused by a friend or loved one’s long-term health condition.
Did you know that:
Many working professionals nowadays give up their time, sometimes nearly every moment of their lives, and every drop of energy they have for their work and family. They end up feeling like their identity and their personal “why” have become so deeply buried under the weight of their responsibilities that they’ve lost sight of what they want it to look like.
An individual’s personal “why” and identity are the foundation from which everything else in life moves forward. As an IPP® member, you can take back control of your life, merge your personal and business “whys,” increase profitable connections, and love your life again.
When you brand yourself as a person instead of as a business, success in all areas of your life is possible.